On one of our post, we talked about growing in love which has
to do with friendship (i.e time when you both were good friends ad it’s at this
time you learn more about who you are in love with, you learn about his/her
character, and attitudes, know his/her strength and weaknesses .
Many relationships and marriages have failed and some divorced
because of failure to understand that the spouse has some flaws.
They fail to understand who they really are in love with or
married to. Some becomes inconsiderate about it while others wouldn’t just care
about it.
“You” being in relationship or married should understand that
you both are together in order to put things together the way it should be.
Flaws simply put means Imperfection, Weakness, Shortcoming,
Deficiency Or Defect of something most especially Human.
So, you can see that from the above definition it simply
means that either of you are not perfect individually but coming together being
married or in relationship has to do with understanding and building up each
A song writer said in her song “You can’t be perfect Baby because
no one is perfect Darling…” so you see that everyone has his or her own
And now you are in relationship, you have to know the flaws
of your spouse and at noticing it/them you have to help him/her to get rid of
it with some words of encouragement in building him/her up. When he/she s down
you in his imperfection you have to be on his/her side and let him/her know
that no one know it all. You can say softly in a low tune to him/her just like
it is in that of the song… You have to get up and make a move; because the world
will never see you till you do. Nobody knows what you are going through, you’ve
to show them the real you, you have to show them what you got, and please don’t
let them see what you are not because you are strong, you are wise, you are wise
beyond a thousand reasons why, you can’t be perfect baby, because no one is perfect
darling and there is nobody in this world like you!
Now you see even you as a reader you have your heart
softened. If you go by this way you can see that there won’t be any problem in
your relationship or marriage but now it’s not so! Everyone claims to be right
and that is why they all flop and have many heart brakes and so on.
They just want to make an imposition of what they think
instead of building up they want you to know that you don’t get it right at
all, they most times shout at each other in the sense that they are making
corrections to the flaws of their spouse forgetting that two wrongs cannot make
a right and without consideration of anything. This is one of the reasons why most
of the marriages we find in the United States divorce. They fail to understand
their spouse and that will lead us to another interesting topic that will come
soon which is “Understand Your Spouse”.
In correction of flaws, it is not what you shout for rather,
you can handle it in a soft, simple and easy way. Remember, no one is perfect
but things can be made write.
Now if flaws is not handled the right way it can lead or bring
about many damages to the relationship involve, it can lead to damages like:
1. Killing (
committing of suicide or murder)
2. Braking of
hearts and relationship
3. Divorce
4. Shattered
home, etc.
Now we have seen what improper handling of flaws can cause,
let’s take a look at some flaws we see today which I summaries all with one
This is the most common flaws today. Have you ever come to ask yourself
the reason why you just act the way you do? Your temperament is just your total
you which has to do with your character, your
nature, your personality, your deposition, your temper, your spirit,
your outlook, your make up, your humor and so on. It makes or mars you, it
controls everything about you and if you don’t control it yourself it goes a
long way in terminating your destiny for life.
It has to do with your feeling, way of thinking, likes,
dislikes, all about you and all you want.

Now I want you to have one thing at the back of your mind.
You that is in relationship or married, just remember always that “You find
your one and only true love once in a life time.”