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Reasons for going Into a Relationship

In the world today, mostly in some African Countries, people ventures into relationship because of some certain reasons that don't really count and some reasons do.

Many at times it has been seen or heard how people fall in love or venture into relationships from various ways and some of these reasons and ways often leads to serious heart break because they eventually falls for the wrong people and it always hurt.

Some of them Enjoys it. It comes in two ways just as it is said that A mans food is the fellows poison. it may work out for one and fail the other. 

A good number of people today often fall into relationship because they saw others doing it and they just want to have that perfect moment as their friends do but they don't really want to pass through the process. They just say "yes" and forget that they have to grow to it and not jumping from one relationship to the other. It's not a matter of looking for the right or perfect Guy or Lady but building your own empire (Love, Trust, Patients, etc).

Many more are into relationship because of their expectations and here today I'm going to tell you the some of the ways people fall in love or go into relationship.

  1. Companionship: This is one of the essential reason why people venture into relationship today in order to find the love of their lives to spend the rest of their life with.
  2. Persuasion: Many today fall into relationship because they were persuaded to. And if I'm to ask you, those people that persuaded you to go into what you are not set for may be because the person involved is rich and the they begin to tell you that opportunity knocks ones and then that you will get to love the person as you go on, will they be there with you to suffer it? And this cause serious heart break.
  3. Some do fall in love because they are been showered with gifts and that will make them think that of course he really loves me.
  4. Here some also go into relationship because of sympathy. This almost happened to me but I escaped.
  5. Others now go into it because of wrong expectation and physical attraction
And now, If you are currently in a relationship or loving someone, what are your reasons?

If you can answer then you are really there and also check up for compactibility. Remember to have an aim in everything you do.

I love you all


Unknown said…
Ok now this is cool.
Unknown said…
Very informative
Ianka&Imke♥ said…
Very nice post! You have a beautiful blog.
joleisa said…
Very interesting post. People really need to consider seriously before they jump into relationships. Thanks

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